Cargo FAQ

The following are frequently asked questions about JAXPORT’s cargo services:

JAXPORT provides shippers with a network of container freight services to connect with hundreds of ports around the world.

JAXPORT’s terminal operators – the companies handling your freight at the port – offer various ways to check on the status of a container.

Click here to learn how to track your containers at JAXPORT.

To access JAXPORT terminals, whether to pick up or drop off cargo, there are certain requirements.

Click here to learn more about requirements for truck drivers, guests, port vendors and other visitors.

While the Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) employs only about 150 people directly, more than 99 percent of “port” jobs (longshoremen, truck drivers, warehouse workers, logistics professionals and more) are employed by private companies working in and around the port.

Learn more about port job opportunities with these resources:

Whether you need to ship used or new vehicles, three ocean carriers based at JAXPORT offer shipping to/from Puerto Rico: Crowley, TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, and Trailer Bridge, Inc.

Click here to view contact information and more information about shipping your car to/from Puerto Rico.

JAXPORT does not hire truck drivers or arrange for them to haul cargo at the port. Instead, truck drivers/firms are hired by the company shipping the goods, the ocean carrier using the port or a logistics operator.

You can contact these Jacksonville companies and inquire about trucking opportunities via our business directory.

All personnel seeking access to JAXPORT terminals regularly are required to have two identification badges: a JAXPORT Business Purpose Credential and a Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC).

Read details about how to apply for these required port credentials.

If your question has not been answered here, please contact Carolyn Strigglers at or (904) 357-3059.

Look up information for Northeast Florida logistics and transportation companies in our business directory.

In addition to reviewing those categories in JAXPORT’s business directory, read this blog post to learn more about the freight forwarders in Jacksonville.

You can also send a brief explanation of the services you need to Carolyn Strigglers at or call (904) 357-3059.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection – Jacksonville
10426 Alta Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32226
(904) 714-3100

For more information:

If you have a question not answered here or elsewhere on our website, please contact us by email or call (904) 357-3030, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Eastern time.

We look forward to hearing from you!