Economic Impact
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Cargo activity through Jacksonville’s seaport supported more than 228,100 jobs in Florida and $44 billion in annual economic output for the region and state in 2024, according to newly released data.
The study, citing double-digit growth in the port’s total statewide job impact over the previous five-year period, was conducted by Martin Associates, a widely recognized maritime research firm. In the Jacksonville area, the study concludes that 30,764 people are employed in port-dependent positions—direct, indirect, and induced jobs relying on the port. Statewide, cargo activity through Jacksonville’s seaport supports more than 258,000 jobs. The port’s total economic value of nearly $44 billion has also increased by more than 30 percent during this time. Port-dependent jobs pay an average annual salary of $76,706, well above the state of Florida average salary for all occupations of $60,210. “The investment in port infrastructure, such as the initiation of the deepening of the St. Johns River to accommodate the larger containerships now deployed in the world trade, the development of a new container terminal at Blount Island, and the development of an Intermodal Container Transfer Station (rail facility) have led to increased diversification of the markets and cargoes served by JAXPORT, in turn providing high paying jobs in the local community and generating state and local tax revenue,” the report concluded. The study found that in 2024, cargo activity at Jacksonville’s seaport generated $3.1 billion in business revenue, including $920 million in wages, $1 million in business purchases and $346 million in state and local taxes. |
Cruise Industry’s Economic Impact in Northeast Florida
The cruise industry in Jacksonville is responsible for more than 870 jobs and more than $211 million in annual economic impact for Northeast Florida, according to Martin Associates. These numbers will grow by an additional 336 jobs and $76 million in annual economic impact when a second cruise service begins calling Jacksonville in the fall of 2025.
In 2023, nearly 195,000 passengers set sail from JAXPORT. Seventy-five percent were visitors to the Jacksonville area, and nearly three-quarters stayed in a hotel room before or after their stay. Passengers hail from 40 states, the District of Columbia and overseas.
Manufacturing and Distribution
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