FAQ: Who are the Freight Forwarders in Jacksonville?
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- FAQ: Who are the Freight Forwarders in Jacksonville?
While large businesses may rely on an in-house logistics team to manage their own supply chains, others may benefit from securing a freight forwarder to optimize speed, cost, and shipment reliability.
These businesses leverage their relationships with ocean carriers, trucking firms, rail carriers and airlines to negotiate the best possible options for your cargo.
In Jacksonville, Florida, there are many freight forwarding businesses to help you navigate supply chain challenges.
These freight forwarders are listed in our JAXPORT Business Directory:
Company Name | Phone | Website |
AFF de Puerto Rico, LLC | (904) 575-0580 | |
AGL Group | (781) 544-3970 | theAGLgroup.com |
Ally Global Logistics, LLC | (781) 544-3970 | AllyGlobalLogistics.com |
American Cargo Logistics D.B.A. Pilot Freight Services | (904) 741-4990 | pilotdelivers.com |
Atlantic Logistics, Inc. | (904) 886-1101 | shipatlantic.com |
ATS International Services, Inc. | (904) 356-8444 | ATSinc.com |
Cargobarn, Inc | (904) 895-7951 | cargobarn.com |
Central Oceans USA, LLC | (704) 705-0513 | centraloceans.com |
Continental Shipping Inc. | continentalshipping.com | |
Cool Transport Jax | (904) 379-9793 | cooltransportjax.com |
Crowley | crowley.com | |
Cycle Up Supply Chain Services | (770) 490-5861 | cycleup.co |
D&L Logistics LLC | (904) 449-8952 | |
Doma Export | (904) 487-2504 | domaexport.com |
Encore Forwarding, Inc. | (904) 741-5040 | encfor.com |
Expeditors International | (407) 816-0186 | expeditors.com |
Farnell Freight Forwarders, Inc. | (904) 598-1333 | farnellfreight.com |
Farris Global Logistics | (904) 924-0060 | farrisglobal.com |
GT Worldwide Transport, Inc. | (904) 930-4344 | shipgt.com |
International Freight Transport, Inc. | (904) 853-7961 | ift.com |
J.F. Moran | (904) 743-9742 | jfmoran.com |
JAB Forwarding, Inc. | (904) 779-0030 | jabforwarding.com |
JAN Container Lines LLC | (718) 704-9074 | jan.global |
JIX International Freight Specialists | (904) 861-0436 | |
JZI LogisticSolutions, A RoadOne Company | (904) 527-3902 | jzexpcompanies.com |
Kuehne+Nagel | (404) 734-1207 | Kuehne-Nagel.com |
LaJay Logistics Inc. | (229) 630-0230 | LaJaysLogistics.com |
Litmark Inc. International Shipping Co. | (904) 741-8199 | |
Morningstar Freight Forwarders | (904) 771-7988 | freightncargo.com |
Odyssey Caribbean Shipping Services | (904) 247-0031 | caribbeanshipping.com |
Pilot Freight Services | (904) 741-4990 | pilotdelivers.com |
Savino Del Bene | (904) 930-2125 | savinodelbene.com |
Senate Forwarding | (904) 278-0708 | |
SilvaBak Freight Brokerage & Logistics LLC | (904) 597-4062 | |
Sims, Waters & Associates, Inc. | (904) 356-4455 | |
Company Name | Phone | Website |
Utilize JAXPORT’s Business Directory to connect with service providers in Jacksonville and take the next step to increasing the efficiency of your domestic and international shipments.
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Company listings are provided for general information purposes only, and are not necessarily endorsed by the Jacksonville Port Authority. If you would like to add your Northeast Florida maritime firm to the JAXPORT Directory, please email the following information to info@jaxport.com:
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